Electronics contract manufacturing : Facts and Figures From MMI


A year ago, few people would have associated contract manufacturing with southwestern China, which is far removed from the production centers of China’s coastal cities. But today, anyone paying attention to the notebook industry has learned that the city of Chongqing in southwestern China will soon become a major base for contract manufacturing of notebooks. Hon Hai Precision Industry and two of the four largest notebook ODMs have all decided to locate notebook manufacturing operations in Chongqing, and it has been reported that Hon Hai’s PC factory is already being staffed. But notebooks won’t be the only contract manufactured products in Chongqing, and Chongqing won’t be the only city attracting outsourced manufacturing in southwestern China. And for good reason. Compared with coastal cities, labor and other costs are lower in southwestern China, and its labor supply is more plentiful. Before Hon Hai and the ODMs committed to Chongqing, there was HP, which in 2008 announced plans for a Chongqing plant to produce notebooks and desktop PCs for customers in China. Then in the fall of last year, news broke that Hon Hai began construction of a notebook manufacturing facility in Chongqing (Oct. 2009, p. 4).
In the notebook ODM space, Hon Hai is a relative newcomer, and two of the first-tier notebook ODMs soon made it known that Hon Hai would not be without competition in Chongqing.

Source : https://mfgmkt.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/April10.pdf

Icon-Intel deal is start of something really remarkable

Icon recently signed a deal with Intel where former will use latter’s Artificial intelligence portal for remote patient clinical trials.

Deal is considered one of the major milestone for CRO fraternity as it involves  analytical platform that links data from multiple sensors and wearables, analyse collected data & provide real time insights to end users.

Icon’s appetite for embracing innovation has always been on high note, this is very much acknowledged by numerous proof of concept studies that company has carried out in recent past.

This one though seems like match made in heaven – where best in class unite together to address issues pertaining to clinical trial management.

AI & machine learning are no longer fancy words having vivid description and application, it is now a hard-core reality touching new heights in every sector you can think off. Healthcare though has been late embracer of this innovation,  it is trying to run really fast to make up for the lag.

Watch out for this CMO’s work in EU

We are referring to Flexan’s recent expansion strategy in Europe. Company had previously acquired Medron to bolster it’s foot print in European market for medtech industry.

Currently it does lot of contract manufacturing of hearing aid devices in EU geography along with manufacturing of rubber and silicone based products. It also has recently appointed Werner Karau as new European commercial leader.

With a move of new office in Germany and other aforementioned activities, company seems to be leaving no stone unturned  to make it’s end customer’s life simpler.

Electronics and plastics purchase could now be consolidated to single supplier, thanks to this acquisition

As healthcare industry moves towards connected healthcare, which means companies would now have to procure plastics, electronics as a combo, making  supply chain of buyers more complex than ever.

In times like these, Molex, a connected healthcare pioneer surfaces as an ideal strategic partner. Thanks to its recent acquisition of Phillips Medisize that makes it a go to guy for all healthcare sourcing requirements.

Phillips Medisize has been one of best medtech focused CMO , taking a lead position in many segments like drug delivery, connected healthcare and diagnostics solutions.

Molex-Phillips Medisize deal closed recently and has become a major milestone for medtech contract manufacturing operations.

Medtech OEMs could now breathe a sigh of relief as lot of their strategic operations could be outsourced to Molex.

Medical device outsourcing is basically divided into two major categories:

  • Medical device EMS
  • Medical device plastics


Molex-Phillips Medisize acquisition just goes about highlighting a key trend in the industry, which is, cross services acquisition. Services consolidation has begun and there will be a likely increase in  deal counts of similar kind.

A deal that shares a similar resemblance as that of Molex-Phillips is Jabil-Nypro.


Phillips Medisize had previously acquired Injectronics and Medicom, both acquisitions were done in very short duration gap. Finally Phillips acquisition spree was paused, that was because Molex acquired Phillips.


Contact lens with embedded circuit is here to manage glaucoma. After helping the ophthalmologists of Europe and US, Sensimed has commenced its journey of APAC region

We are referring to recently inked deal of Sensimed with SEED from Japan. The duo longs to address and identify glaucoma issues at early stage.

Sensimed’s contact lens that goes by the name Triggerfish, measures the dimensional change of the eye for time duration of 24 hours. It then uploads this data into software via Bluetooth.  The data recorded is used in diagnosing and treating of glaucoma.

Sensimed had received CE mark in Sep 2009 and FDA nod in March, 2016. Unexplored APAC waters have recently been touched by Sensimed through its deal with SEED.

Sensimed’s company page has a phrase which says:

“The Company is directly positioned at the convergence between devices, treatment and information”.

We think with each day Sensimed is justifying this claim with much more vigour, while its accomplishments go about acknowledging the same.

Drug delivery and diagnostic disposables sees a global capacity addition, also witnesses a beginning of strategic alliance between medical device behemoth BD and CTP

Global capacity of drug delivery and diagnostic disposables sees a recent expansion by addition of CTP’s manufacturing facility.

While innovation in drug delivery has been on steady pace, joint alliances between medtech OEMs and contract manufacturers has been pretty much stagnant.

CTP, along with expanding its annual production volume also struck a deal with BD for commercial launch of BD Vystra, a disposable pen for delivering insulin and other injectable drugs. CTP had previously supported Becton Dickinson with pilot phase of Vystra.

HAI on rise, not to worry, some players are actively pursuing the quest of minimizing the issues

HAI on rise, not to worry, some players are actively pursuing the quest of minimizing the issues.

We are referring to combined efforts of PDI and Sabic to find out the solution involving the results, that eventually minimizes the count of healthcare associated issues.

As per Cheryl Moran of PDI, in order to understand the compatibility issues between healthcare devices and disinfectants it is mandatory for Healthcare equipment, disinfectants manufacturers and healthcare providers to work together.

The duo intends to protect the patients from damaged or improperly disinfected devices, and are leaving no stone unturned to accomplish the same.

HAI was talk of the medtech world sometime back, with activities involving alliances such as PDI-Sabic, it is really a relief to see the some players are working to fix the broken healthcare ecosystem.



This point from Abbott’s CEO was all we were looking to hear : Q2 Conference Call

This point from Abbott’s CEO was all we were looking to hear in  Q2 Conference Call

We are referring to news about Abbott’s acquisition of St Jude Medical and Alere hitting a rough patch.

While the company had shelled out humongous ~31 billion dollars on combined deal, the deal had witnessed a hiccup when FTC asked company for more documents in case of St Jude, and for Alere, it was the subpoena from DOJ that made us feel about the deals falling apart.

In the recent Q2 conference call Miles White, CEO and chairman of Abbott assured that everything in terms of these two deals is on right track, and there is nothing to worry about.

Medtech players are known for their big cash shell out when it comes to acquisitions, Medtronic acquisition of Covidien, BD’s acquisition of Care Fusion and Pfizer acquisition of Hospira, just goes about showing how big of a cheque medtech behemoths sign-off during acquisitions.

But the story does not end there for medtech OEMs, they have to go through numerous regulatory checks & approvals before acquiring companies. Abbott though had signed of a massive ~31 billion dollar cheque for St Jude and Alere, it still had to go through challenging tasks lined next.

Miles White assurance on the deals was all the medtech fraternity was awaiting for. With closure of these deals,medtech consolidates further, which sure will entail more dynamics change for medtech industry.

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Company looks to enhance medical imaging using technology:VR




Image Source: Company Website

Company looks to enhance medical imaging using technology:VR

We are referring to Echo pixel’s quest of commercializing its software platform that provides virtual 3D images of critical organs such as heart, lungs and others. Now, those who are in the medical field would have already identified the advantages of such a technology.

It helps care providers to look into the organ morphology on virtual platform, there by enhancing service providers on field action. In order to take this platform to the bigger crowd, Echopixel has partnered with HP, and plans to use HP display for showcasing its 3D images to physicians, medical students or who ever concerned.

Vitual reality aka VR, is technology which is most widely been explored in medtech applications, with venture like that of Echopixel, it is motivating to see that some of the smart brains of this era are not running the blind folded race, and are trying to better healthcare through their respective innovations.

Software has been FDA approved, and is likely to surface as a major breakthrough in the medtech field.

For more updates follow medical device trends.

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Abbott, St. Jude’s $25B tie-up delayed by FTC request

Philips acquires Wellcentive, boosts connected care offerings